5 tips to develop healthy eating habits
It’s never too early to help your child develop healthy eating habits. Discover ways that babies can become healthy and adventurous eaters from the moment they start solids. Learn which foods to load up on and which ones to avoid.
1. Enjoy healthy fats.
- Full-fat dairy products: yogurt, cheese, milk (after 12 months)
- Omega-3 fatty acids: salmon and other fatty fish
- Unsaturated fats: avocados, olive oil
2. Teach your baby to be an adventurous eater. Explore a wide range of flavors:
- Sour
- Salty
- Bitter
- Sweet
3. Roll with rejection. It may take a few tried before your baby decides to like certain foods.
4. Go easy on processed foods:
- Hot dogs
- White bread
- Canned soup
- Deli meat
- Crackers, goldfish, and pretzels
These foods are high in sodium and low in nutrients.
5. Watch out for sugary foods:
- Flavored yogurt
- Juices
- Soda
- Gelatin desserts
Happy eating!
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